Артроскопическое эндопротезирование передней крестовидной связки у собак

Артроскопическое эндопротезирование передней крестовидной связки у собак.

включая обучение и получение бессрочного лицензионного договора с регистрацией в Роспатенте на использование способов «Артроскопическое протезирования передней крестовидной связки у собак”, патент RU2750464C1


Goals and objectives.

The stifle joint in dogs is a complex and multicomponent organ that requires the most accurate diagnosis to be treated. Endoscopic diagnosis of diseases of the stifle joint is quite in demand in veterinary practice. Endoscopic examinations attract attention, first of all, due to minimal trauma to the joint tissues (in comparison with wide open surgery). And here there is practically no alternative to the stifle arthroscopy.

During full-day training participants will receive basement knowledge of the mastering of arthroscopic technology stifle joint in dogs. Arthroscopy opportunities determination in treatment. Will know arthroscopic technic of the meniscal resection.

Keynote method of this master class – ACL reconstraction with using arthroscopy.

More over, participants can find many interesting modern information in this topic, especially with working on silicon models.



1.Theoretical part.

9.00 10.3Indications. Equipment and instrumentation.
Arthroscopy features in diagnostic proсedure, cruciate ligaments ruptures.

Meniscal damages. What is meniscitis? Meniscal hyperplasty or hypertrophy ?  Medial and lateral meniscal endosurgery.

Clinical case demonstrations.

10.30 10.45 Coffee

10.45 12.00 ACL arthroscopic reconstruction technology. Indication. Step by step algorythm. Postoperative recovering. Complication. Clinical case demonstration.  

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch

2.Practical part.

13.00 – 14.30 Wet lab. Live operation. Clinical case demonstration stifle arthroscopy. Participants assist to mentors.

14.30 – 15.00 Coffee

15.00 – 16.30 Dry lab. Working on the silicon dogs stifle joints. Meniscus and ACL endosurgery.

16.30 – 17.00 Discussion. Certificates award.

Инструктор – Чернов Александр Владимирович

канд.вет.наук, руководитель тренинг курсов по ветеринарной хирургии, научный руководитель VESKТМ, директор ветеринарной клиники «ЭндоветТМ» гг. Москва, Курган.

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